Thursday, 20 January 2011

A not very exciting update..

Sorry folks, this blog seems to have ground to a bit of a halt. I blame the weather, and the fact the car is in Bristol while I am in Kent (it's at my mum's house, I've not left it as ASDA or anything).

You will be pleased to hear that she's still running strong though, having been taken for a proper run out last weekend to Area: 52 where she was adored by all.

As I type though she's back at mother's house sitting in the garden. At the moment I'm having some serious thoughts about getting her in a lock up (the car, not my mum) and stripping her down. To keep her on the road for another year would be unfair and not only that, it would just mean more work when I do finally start a proper restoration. As such the hunt is on for a lock up so I can get cracking, and so you lot can cringe as I pull her apart to expose her rusty bits (again, the car).